Instructor: Matthew Garcia Email:
Location/Time: F209 Wednesday 6:oo -10;00PM

COURSE DESCRIPTION / OBJECTIVES Advanced techniques with portfolio organization and presentations involving current new media. The objective is to teach students the aspects of making/editing and delivering salable images for the marketplace. The students will strengthen and build their new media skill for the professional photography market.

RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: a good digital SLR that shoots in RAW format (this is a must in the business) ASSIGNMENTS Classes will begin with lab time to edit touch-up previous assignment. Completed assignments will uploaded to class blog for critique, which will take up last third of class

GRADING There are a possible 100 points for the semester. 70~79 points = C; 80~89 points = B; 90~100 points = A. Students are responsible for the information in this syllabus.Information included in the syllabus is subject to change. Instructor is responsible to notify students of any changes via email or class instruction. Students must attend 90% of the classes to receive a passing grade. Students are responsible for the college policies included in the college catalog and the student handbook. Students with special needs will be accommodated based on the availability of college services.

Special Accommodations Any student needing a special course-related accommodation due to a physical and/or learning impairment must bring this to the attention of the instructor with appropriate documentation within the first week of class so that learning needs can be addressed effectively. It is a college policy to provide reasonable accommodations to student with disabilities. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental or learning disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center office, Learning Center (LC) Building, 602-285-7477