*we have two guest lectures coming after Feb. Still confirming dates.

20 JAN W1 IN CLASS: Introductions of class. Choose commercial business type. Review the business “today”. Discuss types of commercial photography. ASSIGNMENT: Present photo work (progress) since last spring.And show what kind of photography that most inspires you. Get blog organized.

27 JAN W2 :
IN CLASS -Discuss workflow for commercial shoot. Demo photoshop the digital composite process. one photo composed of a least five photos. ASSIGNMENT: Commercial composite one photo composed of a least five photos. Your choice-lifestyle, landscape, portrait, etc. Shoot first promotional photos for your business. 2-4 photos.

3 FEB W3: Review of HRD. Lab sharpen. Review studio lighting in class portraits. One professional quality portrait due in class studio. ASSIGNMENT: Commercial quality HDR landscape/urban scape w/human or auto element. Think advertising 2-4 images Review Resume, business cards, brief bio, and self-promotion mailer due BRAND!

9th AIGA creative connect-pending
10 FEB2009 W4 -
IN CLASS: ASSIGNMENT:Discuss Photojournalism/Wedding/Documentary due Mar 3rd green screen image due 2-4 photos in class studio.Green screen software process

17 FEB W5 IN CLASS: Discuss 1st ad campaign project Review product photography lighting techniques. Discuss Product Photography. 2 product photos due in class Discuss commercial shoot assignment -Group approach. ASSIGNMENT: Create 6 product shots series w/ digital enhancements (reflection).

24 FEB W6 IN CLASS: Discuss Photojournalism/Wedding/Documentary photography. ASSIGNMENT: Document an event/story. 4-8 images. Compose in video slideshow.

3MAR W7. Photojournalism/Wedding/Documentary photography due.4-8 imagesWork on slideshow component in class. Assign 1st advertising campaign assignment. In class flash component slideshow , Slide show pro. In class alternative light portrait.

9MAR Phx creative connect/AIGA
10 MAR W8 continue work on 1st advertising campaign. Software Design tools for adverting campaign.

17 MAR W9 Spring Break NO CLASS ASSIGNMENT: Continued advertising campaign shoots

24 MAR W10 Ad campaigns dueDiscuss photography architectural photography. Photoshop demo skin tones ASSIGNMENT: architectural photo digital composite. In class architecture photo demo/perspective.

31 MAR W11 IN CLASS: Get acquainted with other capture devices i.e. Lomo, Holga and 4X5 and Polaroid, Through the Lens photo ASSIGNMENT: ASSIGNMENT:Portrait assignment with alternative photo. 2-4 photos in class studio.

APR W12 IN CLASS: Second advertising campaign. SOLO Job. Talk high fashion assignment. Introduce video. ASSIGNMENT:. High fashion assignment photo and video. In class fashion lighting demo with video and photo.

14 APR W13 IN CLASS: (april 14th phoenix art museum lecture-PC student art exhibit)

21APR W14video editing software basics. Begin to composite video ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on video component of fashion. Fashion photos due

28 APR W15 IN CLASS: Automotive demo in studio Meet at Monorchid studios. demo. View Video assignments. ASSIGNMENT: Automotive photography 2-4 photos.

5MAY W16 IN CLASS: Work on second video urban landscape. Explore web portfolio options/softwares ASSIGNMENT: Work on Web portfolio, Time to reshoot any semester assignments. Final advertising assignment critique due for critique. ASSIGNMENT: Work on Web portfolio

12 MAY W17 IN CLASS: ASSIGNMENT: Work on Web portfolio Final virtual portfolio critique from personal site. Final urbanland scape video due.

Color Effects
Advertising Design
Landscape Retouch
Skin Retouch
Commercial digital composite
New Media
Exposure to existing PHX commercial photo market